Call it childhood nostalgia or simply my need to sit back and unwind,i've always associated summers with vacations and a langurous pace of life.So about a month back I packed bag and baggage and headed back home, and as it turns out, a well deserved holiday is just what the doctor ordered.Now i've got to admit, that in the past couple of days, i've become a bit of a couch potatoe having gotten hooked to terribly cheesy yet widely entertaining shows such as 'Huge' and, brace yourself, 'The Fashionista Diaries'.And as much as I hate to admit it,I now can't do without my daily dose of the 'reality' series which features six young professionals trying to make it in the cut throat New York fashion scene.However what really drew me to the show was the presence of a certain Kathleen Pierce,VP of Public Relations,Flirt Cosmetics(or atleast she was way back in 2007, f.y.i. here in India we've gotten accustomed to watching shows that are a few seasons old).So anyway, Pierce is one of those bosses, who does'nt take pride in living up to the bitchy stereotype that most bosses in the fashion industry have come to have,and while she may be no Kelly Cutrone, she most certainly is a star in my books.Talking of things close to my heart, our humble little blog just completed one year.What started out as an exercise in voicing our opinion on pop culture and fashion has now culminated into somthing much bigger, and we could'nt have done it without all of you.Now before this starts to resemble a really sad acceptance speech of sorts, I'll wind up.Do
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